First time cooking a moose
Okay, so this past weekend James' aunt went to town (Anchorage). We have been living with his aunt and uncle for almost 3 weeks now. Well anyways, while she was in town his uncle made a few dinners and then he was busy so I had offered to make a couple of meals. One night I made a chicken and rice casserole or in my mom's term "farting chicken". James is uncle and cousins loved it. Well we got to talking about what we should have on Sunday for lunch/dinner. So James went and stared at the freezer on Saturday to see what was there. We decided upon a moose roast. Yes I did say a moose roast. Let me just say that when I made my first pot roast shortly after James and I got married I had cheated a little. I had use a pot roast seasoning mix that you buy from the store. Well I knew that my mom would sometimes use the Lipton's onion soup mix in hers, but we didn't have any of that here. (James' aunt went to Anchorage for grocery's). I ended up making my own ...