
So as sit here I'm thinking about my birthday. This year is going to be different. Not just because I'm in Alaska and not home with my family. Growing up I celebrated my birthday away from home. Some were at summer camp. I had my aunt there and my cousins since they either were working or attending that week. My sixteenth birthday I took my first plane ride ever and went down to Guyana, South America. All the other years I might have been home with family, but I honestly couldn't tell where I was for my birthday before my ninth birthday. This my birthday is going to be different because I am in Alaska with my husband starting our new life. He's the only family that I need. I do miss my family in Michigan and Georgia and my in-laws in Illinois. But when I married James he became the only family that I do need in my life. I don't need my family around me celebrating my birthday. I want it but I don't need it. This year I'll be celebrating my 23rd birthday with James and his aunt, uncle and cousins. Yes they are family. This might be my last year celebrating with any sort of family. I don't know where God will have us next year. We might have our first child by then or it will just be James and I. Right now I'm alright with it being James and I. I would love to have a child by next year, but I don't know Gods plan in that area. He might not want us to have children or He wants us to wait another few years.  


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