A little update
Sorry that I haven't blogged recently. I didn't know what to really write about. The last couple weeks have been long. I wasn't feeling well so nothing got done around the house. Thankfully my husband understood and helped clean and cook. I have missed the last two Sundays from church. The first one I wasn't feeling well and it was raining so I told James to go ahead and take the truck. Yesterday I ended up getting up and took James to work so I could have the truck. But when I got up my legs felt really shaky. This was the second time it had happen to me in the last couple day. I think I need to get up early to eat breakfast so I don't feel like this anymore. Hopefully I can make it next week. Well I have come to realize that James and I have now been in Alaska for a year now. Can't believe that it's been that long. I still have a year to go until I can go home and visit my family. For my sake and the sake of my family I hope it's not as hot as it...