The next adventure... mommyhood
Payton James made his appearance Saturday February 16 weighing 7lbs 5 oz and was 19 inches long. James and I are so bless to have him in our lives. People have asked me if I had a long labor. I was probably in labor for roughly 24 hours before he came, but having really bad contractions that were close together maybe about 12 hours. Friday morning I had woken up with back pain. I have had back pain almost my whole pregnancy (pretty much when I started showing). This pain felt a little different, but I wasn't entirely sure. I took it pretty easy that day. I just laid around reading, try sleeping, and even took a couple of warm showers. By 5:30 - 6 that night I ended up calling my mom because I wasn't sure if I should go in or not, so I wanted her opinion. I knew that I could be possibly having back labor. My mom told me that I should go in just to get checked out. Worst case scenario I would just get sent back home. We get to the hospital around 7 pm. They checked me out ...