The next adventure... mommyhood

Payton James made his appearance Saturday February 16 weighing 7lbs 5 oz and was 19 inches long. James and I are so bless to have him in our lives.

People have asked me if I had a long labor. I was probably in labor for roughly 24 hours before he came, but having really bad contractions that were close together maybe about 12 hours. Friday morning I had woken up with back pain. I have had back pain almost my whole pregnancy (pretty much when I started showing). This pain felt a little different, but I wasn't entirely sure. I took it pretty easy that day. I just laid around reading, try sleeping, and even took a couple of warm showers. By 5:30 - 6 that night I ended up calling my mom because I wasn't sure if I should go in or not, so I wanted her opinion. I knew that I could be possibly having back labor. My mom told me that I should go in just to get checked out. Worst case scenario I would just get sent back home. We get to the hospital around 7 pm. They checked me out  and I was still only at 1 cm dilated  nothing had changed from my appointment the day before.  They asked me if I had any UTI recently, I told them that I just finished my medicine from having one the week before. Well they figure that my pain was from that, but they still had me go walk the halls for 1.5 hrs. After that walk my contractions really started coming.  When I came back they checked me again and I had gone to 2 cm. Well they decided that I needed to get my blood drawn because my blood pressure was high the two times that they checked it and they wanted to make sure nothing was wrong. While we were waiting for the results they let me go sit in this jacuzzi tub that they have. It was nice to sit there and try to relax in between contractions. The nurse told us that my blood work came back fine so I could go home. Well the doctor there that night asked me if I thought I would be able to sleep if I went home. I told her no. So they still didn't admit me to the hospital, but they gave me some pain meds so I could sleep. They also gave my first dose of antibiotics that I needed for delivery. I got to sleep for about 3 or 4 hours and then my water broke. Since my water broke they finally officially admitted me into the hospital.  They checked me around 6 am and I was between 4 and 5 cm. After that I got a little bit more sleep, but the contractions we so unbearable that the pain med that they gave me didn't even help. The nurse told me that Payton was half sunny side up and that when  I was standing holding onto James during my contractions that I need to rock to help him turn the right way for delivery  About 8:20 am I told the nurse that I felt like I had to go to the bathroom. She had to check me before I would be given permission to go. (I couldn't get checked that often because of my gbs.) Well lets just say I didn't get that permission, instead I was told that I got to push instead. So they called the doctor in and I started pushing around 8:35- 8:40 and Payton came into this world at 9:18.  I did end up sleeping in between every push. I also slept through half the doctor was trying to say to me. haha. The pain meds were still in affect since they gave me another dose when my water broke.

James' first time holding Payton

First family picture
James and I are so excited. I loved watching James hold his son for the first time. Here are a few pictures.


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