
Showing posts from October, 2018

I'm Horrible at updates

My last post was about James' medical issue.  I posted as my Facebook status about the lab results, but I thought I would just write it here as well. A couple of weeks after the blood work was drawn James got a call from the doctor that it turns out he had to major virus's. One of them was parvo and the other was the strain that can cause mono. The recovering is anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months.Since we don't which one was the worse we planned on him have to deal with the symptoms for up to 6 month if not a little longer. James ended going back to work the Tuesday after Memorial day. My mom came for up for a visit during the beginning of June. A few days after she left James and Payton went to Anchorage for Payton to get some fillings done. Also his mom and Grandma came that weekend. Which happen to be the week after my mom left.  During this time James was working 10 hour shifts Tuesday-Friday. He was pretty worn out by the time he came home that he had to relax in the ...