I'm Horrible at updates

My last post was about James' medical issue.  I posted as my Facebook status about the lab results, but I thought I would just write it here as well. A couple of weeks after the blood work was drawn James got a call from the doctor that it turns out he had to major virus's. One of them was parvo and the other was the strain that can cause mono. The recovering is anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months.Since we don't which one was the worse we planned on him have to deal with the symptoms for up to 6 month if not a little longer.

James ended going back to work the Tuesday after Memorial day. My mom came for up for a visit during the beginning of June. A few days after she left James and Payton went to Anchorage for Payton to get some fillings done. Also his mom and Grandma came that weekend. Which happen to be the week after my mom left.  During this time James was working 10 hour shifts Tuesday-Friday. He was pretty worn out by the time he came home that he had to relax in the chair with his feet up for a little while before he could do much. During those relaxing moment James was able to spend quality time with Ezra. He would hold while I got dinner started. 

During the month of July James was working almost every day since he had grand jury on Wednesday and Thursday, but was able to get excuse from the Thursday jury.  At the end of July he ended going from 4 10 hour shifts to work 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. He still working 10 hour days.  I also had my golden birthday at the end of the month. I turned 30 on the 30th.

In August James got to start his first days off in almost a month on his birthday which is on the 2nd.  The first full week of August I started homeschooling Payton for kindergarten. He is loving learning new letter to write. Some times he like math. At the end of August our transmission on our car started to go. So James spent his 2 weeks off changing part and none of it fix it so we had to take it to a shop to get fix. We bought an used transmission from a place just north of Anchorage and they shipped out to Bethel for us on one of the cargo planes. All this car stuff moves us into October..

We just got our car transmission change and the car is back to running normal.  We head into town in a couple of weeks to do some shopping, but we also have dental appointments for the kids and eyes exams for Payton, Emma, and I.

Though these last four and half months have been a little stressful, we also have seen God working things out for us. While James and I were Anchorage the hospital waiting for answers to come the song Great is Thy Faithfulness was the song that brought me peace while we were there and up until I had Ezra. Between mid June and the beginning of July the song that brought me peace was It Is Well With my Soul. That song is still true today. I sing it a lot to Ezra while I'm trying to calm him down and the other two will start to sing it with me now. 

James and I have felt God's blessing on us as well as the prayers we were receiving/ are receiving. We are so thankful for the group of friends here in town  and there willingness to help us and be there for us when we need someone to talk to. So to any of our friends reading this I just want to thank you for all you have done for us.


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