Planning for the Baby
Well planning for the baby has had its ups and downs. We decided that we are going to buy/register everything in mostly neutral colors. That way when we have more children we can just reuse some of the bigger items instead have to buy new every time. Plus we won't have to store extra stuff if our next baby is a different gender then the one we are having. We are also trying to decide if we want to by a crib or just get a pack and play for a crib and buy a crib mattress for it instead. All these designs are driving me crazy. We don't have a lot of space for a crib, but can make do if that is what we decide to do. It's just going to take some reorganizing things to make it work. We have actually begun to do all that. Unfortunately we have a lot of totes that we have to figure out were to put. We are slowly emptying some of them and combining them with others, so we can stack the empty ones. We are going to be finding out what we are hav...