Getting back in the Ministry

Well I am getting back into being involved in the church. I was asked to help teach Sunday school with 2 other ladies. We will be rotating every week so no one has to be there every Sunday. Myself and one of the other ladies will only be there for a few months. The other lady is due just before me. I'll stay on until February. After I'm gone it will only be the one lady for the last couple months of Sunday school. This is new for me as I have yet to teach Sunday school, but hey there is a first for everything, right? So I ask prayer as I am to teach for the first time this Sunday.

I also decided to get brave and volunteer to help out in Awana. It was really hard for me to decide if I want to do this or not. I didn't want to throw myself into so many ministries that I get burnt out. I've gotten burnt out before and it was hard to say no,but I always knew that I needed a break. Well after talking to James for almost 3 weeks on and off I finally decided that I can do Awana. It's going to be a little different than what I am use too since it's on Tuesday night and I was told that there is only about 35-50 kids that come for all ages. When I worked in Awana in high school we had at least 20 kids in Sparks. So it will all be new for me. I will most likely be helping out in Sparkies again which is exciting. I will also only be working until February.

I'm asking that if you think about pray that I will have the energy every week for Awana and on the Sunday's that I will teach. Also that my pregnancy continues to go well. Once I get to 36 weeks I won't be able to leave Bethel until after the baby is born.


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