A quick update

About a week and a half ago I posted on Facebook that my family could use some prayers and that when I was able I would share more. Well here is what has been going on for the last couple of weeks.

First off, May 21, 2018 we welcomed on third child to our family. We kept it a secret off of social media sites. We had a little boy. Ezra Michael.

So the prayer request was mostly for James, but a little about the coming to end of my pregnancy. Wednesday May 9 I ended up having to take James into the ER because his arms were cramping up and going numb and then he was starting to get the chills, but was sweating and was also having a hard time concentrating. We get the ER and I stay in the waiting room since we brought the kids with us. A little while later the doctor comes out to get me and as we were walking to James' exam room she informed me that he was now stuttering. The stutter literally started as he was walking into the exam room. The doctor informs us that she is going to do a CT scan and a spinal tap. Also told us that she most likely will medavac James to Anchorage to get a MRI done since Bethel doesn't have one.  I called my friend Alyssa to see if she could get the kids and she did. She also kept the kids while we were in Anchorage.

So we did end up getting sent to Anchorage. I was 36 weeks pregnant and had to get permission from my provider to go. Which was okay because I was going to a place with hospitals and not a village. Also I should mention that I was consider high risk this pregnancy due to high blood pressure so I had to be on the look out for signs of preeclamcia.

While we were in Anchorage they did the MRI  and found that James had a bulging disc in his neck which could explain his arms cramping and going numb. But every test they did between Bethel and Anchorage came back normal. So they have no answers to the stuttering.  The doctors in Anchorage decided to claim it as stress/anxiety. The doctor in Bethel was leaning towards some sort of virus. James was told he needed to take a week off work if not two. So he took off the next week to rest and that was the time I posted for prayer. I was hoping to go into labor that week even though I was only 37 weeks along because once I hit 38 weeks they were going to induce me.

Now fast forward to Sunday May 20 and I get a phone call for the OB ward asking if I would like to come in that night to get induce instead of the next day. James and I decided that we would go in and get things started. I'm glad we chose to go in that night. That reason being is because the doctor James saw in the ER almost 2 weeks before hand was the doctor on duty for the OB that night. While the nurse was getting me set up and checked in, the doctor was talking to James. She did not like that he was still feeling fatigue after 2 weeks. She got his permission to contact the hospital in Anchorage to access his records to see what test they did while he was there. It turns out that they didn't do any types of labs. She has sent extra fluids from his spinal tap with us and they didn't do anything with it while were there. Since she still felt it was a virus of some sort and not stress she offered to do more testing through blood work. So she was able to order labs for him and she is going to run a panel of different types of things to hopefully find something. If not she wants to refer him to Seattle.

So if you can keep praying that we can get answers with the lab work, so we don't have to go to Seattle that would be awesome. James is using the last of his PTO for the time off. He has been off of work ever since we went to the ER on the 9th. He is going to attempt to go back to work next week.


  1. Thanks for sharing specifics. I'll be praying for James, you, new baby, and the doctors to have wisdom in discovering what is happening. HUGS!


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