
"Don't pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it".
~Corrie Ten Boom~
I read that quote in my devotional book last week.  I pray whenever I think of something or someone to pray about.  I feel like I don't spend a lot of time in prayer, but at the same time I feel like I do. When I pray I ask God to help me through a certain situation. I also thank Him when I pray for the things He had given to me. I love God's creation. I love thanking Him for making the mountains, the sunsets, the SNOW. I Everything in nature comes from God. This past month my prayers have been ones about wanting a baby, but also wanting it to be His timing. I've gotten so stress in the last few months that I was emotional. I have gotten a lot better with my desire/ stress of getting pregnant. Yes I want to be pregnant, but I'm not stressing about it anymore. I have several other things in my life that our stressful, that I don't want to make getting pregnant one of them. 
Sorry got off the topic a little. Yes we need to pray. I think it's a good idea to have an appointment so to say. I know I'm not good at that part, but I want to be. I will probably continue to pray with out an "appointment", but I am going to try my hardest to make appointments and to keep them. 


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