2 Months

Well James and I have 2 months left to go until we leave for Alaska. God has 
been really good to us lately. James was talking to his Uncle Bill
who we will living with. He was telling James that
since we have applied with the mission organization we should be 
able to to stay at the missionary house in Anchorage
until Uncle Bill flies in with the plane. Bill will be able to fly us over to aniak
 for free. So pretty much once we get there the only expense that we will have
is for our food and whatever shopping that we need to do.

I'm really excited to be moving, but as it gets closer I start to freak out some
for the fact that i am leaving my family and my home town. I grew up in the same house for 20 years. I have lived in my small town/ city my whole life. when i was in college my parents moved across town and i stay in that house for a year. I have to say I will miss this small town in Michigan, but i can't wait to see the new village that waits for me in Alaska. 



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