Hopefully Soon

Today I as I was sitting around doing nothing, but being on facebook. I realize I don't really have a "life". I get up, do "nothing", talk to James then go to bed. 4 nights out of the week I don't have a life. I try to help out around the house when I can, but I don't like being around when school is going on because I feel like I am in the way and I'm a distraction. So I sit on the computer. Sometimes I watch movies or play the wii. I will occasionally read a book. I just haven't been in the mood lately to read a book.  When I talk to James at night he always ask me how as my day. The answer is normally the same. I got up, got dressed, got my cup of coffee and checked facebook. Then I will eat lunch with the family then go back next do for a little bit. I then go to the post office and sometimes the store. I come home then go watch a movie or check facebook again. Then I come over to see if James aunt needs help with dinner. I eat then I go back next door and talk to James, check facebook AGAIN, and then go to bed. Repeat for the next day, but add a shower in there.  This my life for the most part 4.5 days out of the week.

I can't wait to be able to join James in Bethel. I miss being able to cook him meals and eating together every night. I want to be able to do my job as a stay at home wife. Don't get me wrong I enjoy being with the family, but it's time for James and us to be on our own. We haven't been on our own since the first six months of our marriage. So for 1.5 years of our married life we have lived with someone. We desperately need our own place. I know James aunt and uncle are probably ready for us to be out on our own. Hopefully soon James will be able to find a place. He has found a couple of places, but they don't have any openings right now. One of them, the owner is out of town until the 5th of March. So it's been hard on him trying to find a place when he keeps coming to a close door.

I know that God has the place that he wants us. We just have to be patient and wait on His timing. It's hard to do. I know that James and I both have family members praying that we find a place to live. They all know that this is tough on us. So whoever reads my post feel free to pray that James can find a place in Bethel so we can be reunited and not just seeing each other on the weekend.


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