
On Monday (3-26) James and I had enchiladas for dinner. As I was making them I remember the first time I made them. My dad called me into the kitchen to help him make these things. Knowing me I probably put up a fight. Anyways we started making these. I had to help brown the burger, warm up the shells, put the meat in the shells, add the cheese, put them in the pan. Over the years, I was probably early teenage when my dad first called me into the kitchen, I have come a long way in making them. My parents would send me to the store to buy the ingredients and then have me make them. Which was fine since I liked them especially the next day for lunch. I remember sometime in the first year of my marriage (i'll be married 2 in  May) my dad called me up saying he bought the ingredients. He wanted me to come make it for them and then told me that James and I could stay for dinner. Also fine by me since it was a free meal even if I had to cook. :) When I make them I learn that flour tortilla shells work the best for wrapping them nice and tight to fit them into a pan. Whenever I would use corn tortilla they would break as soon as you folded them.

When James and I were living with our aunt and uncle I made enchiladas for dinner one night. Well James' aunt can't have gluten (the flour shells) I used the corn tortillas. Knowing ahead of time that they didn't work so well in the folding I decided that I would try something different. In college I watched the cook put shells on the bottom then add the meat, beans, cheese, and whatever else she added then do another layer until it reach the top or just about to the top of the pan. So I decided I was going to try that with my enchiladas that way we all could eat it. It worked out great.

I feel I have come a long way in making the enchiladas into my "special" recipe. After I use all the shells or after the pans are completely stuffed, I take the left oven meat and spread it on top of the shell, take the sauce that I didn't use in the meat and pour that over shells and the meat, and then I put the left over cheese on it as well. James has come to love my enchiladas. I use the green sauce, but he likes the red. I've used both. I still like the green because it's not as hot for me. As where James likes it hot and spicy.


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