
So the other day James and I were doing laundry and we opened our window downstairs to help dry the clothes faster since it was about 70 degrees outside. Well that was a mistake. We don't have a screen in that window and so the mosquitoes decided to come in and make themselves at home. My right arm feels like it is covered with bites. I have probably at least 8 on that arm alone. I also have some everywhere else, but my right arm is the one with the most. The night that we had all these mosquitoes we were up until 2am killing as many as we can. We would be almost asleep and then we would hear them fly around our head. It's been about 2 days and we almost got them all. there maybe be about 2 or 3 left. We can't open our downstairs window anymore which is kinda sad because it's gets so hot when I cook our meals. It's also has been so nice lately that we want to open the window to the fresh air, but we don't since we don't want to get any more mosquitoes bites then we have too.


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