It's a Boy

If you are friend with me on facebook, then you probably already know that James and I are having a boy. We surprised our parents when we called and told them. No one knew when we were going. Originally it was going to be at the end of the month, but when I went to my 19 week appointment the PA told me I could come back in 2 weeks or continue with my every 4 weeks. After my appointment I went to the waiting area to talk to James at what we should do. We decided to come back in 2 weeks and that we should keep it to ourselves. Haha that was hard to do especially when I was talking to my mom  after that appointment. She was like "so when do you find out what your having? Isn't it at the end of the month?" I was like it's sometime in October. She was like okay and the topic was dropped. Everyone that would ask me I would tell them sometime in October. It was hard not to tell my best friend when we skyped. She really wanted to know what day it was, but I told her I was not allowed to say. :) 

When we got to the ultrasound room, it felt like forever until we were able to find out. At least it felt like forever to me. Not sure for James. The technician finally told us that it was a boy. We were both really happy. I remember thinking "great mom and Jack were right" Part of me was dreading calling my mom because I didn't want to hear "I told you so", but she did very well and was shocked that we knew way before she thought we would. I guess the surprise got pulled off. Our appointment was on Thursday, but we thought about waiting to tell our parents until Saturday. My parents 33rd anniversary was Saturday, so I thought this would be a great gift. Well the Monday before my appointment my mom called and told me she was having surgery on Friday. Well that changed things since I know how my mom is on pain killers. haha Love you mom... Anyways, we decided to just tell them on Thursday. James called his parents and then I called mine. My parents did 3 way calling since my dad was working. So when they were both on the phone I told them that James and I got to see Payton James today. My mom of course was excited. My dad was excited as well, but then caught on to the name Payton after the Chicago bears player. I just started laughing. 

 *Back story*
James one day asked me how I liked the name Payton. I told him I liked it. I also said somewhere in the same conversation that I don't want to name our children after people, unless it was our parents or our names or middle names. He then decides to tell me that he got the name Payton from the Chicago Bears player Walter Payton. I liked the name a lot and decided I didn't care.

*present time*
So I ended up telling my dad that story. I decided to text my bother the name and he replies back, I know its for Walter, but I'm gonna pretend that it's for Gary. Once again I laughed out loud. Seriously. I knew that he would some how get a Gary comment out there. Growing up he was a big Gary Payton fan, so I knew he would say something. I ended up calling my 3 younger sisters to tell them and they were all excited. Later on that night I called my older sister since she was out with her family. I asked if her if she wanted to skype or just talk on the phone. She asked what was up and I said that I had an answer. She then puts the phone on speaker so her kids could her me. I asked Jack what he thought I was having and in a small voice you hear a boy. I then tell them yes I was having a boy. Carter starts yelling from the background I knew it, I was right. haha I love those kids. 

So yes we are having a boy and he will be named Payton James. As right now he is breech, but the technician told us it was that big of a deal yet,since I only 21 weeks. So if you ever think of it pray that he goes to the normal position before he comes. I'm not sure what they do in situation like that out here. From my understanding they don't do C-sections unless it's an emergency  So if he is still breech by the time I'm 35-36 weeks my guess is they might send me to Anchorage. Which would defeat the whole purpose of us having the baby here. So I'm praying that he will turn. I will probably ask my questions about it at my next appointment. 


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