The time is near...

As I sit here thinking that the time is almost here for Payton to make his appearance, I can't help wondering if we have everything that we need. In the last week or two I have ordered some diapers and wet ones, so I know I have those coming to me. I also need to order some bath stuff and then I think I will have the bare minimum that we will need. I'm 35 weeks today.  So I have roughly 5 weeks until he gets here to make sure that we have everything. Sometimes I sit and wonder if he will come early and give us a January baby or if we will have our February baby. Also will he decide to come on his actual due date and be a valentine baby.

Also I sit and try to think if we are going to give him the nick name of PJ or make it just Payton.  I keep telling James we need to make a decision so our family and friends will know if it's okay or not to call him PJ.  Part of me is glad that we are not giving him a middle name that starts with a "B". I know our families probably wouldn't be able to help it by calling him PB&J... Instead they would get a chance to call him PJSquared. (don't even think about it, you know who you are).

I also sit and wonder how he will do on his first long plane ride. Going from Bethel to Chicago with multiple layovers and most likely flying standby. I'm just getting stressed thinking about it haha. At least at the end of all the flights there we get to see our family who we will not have seen in almost 2 years and get to introduce a new family member. Have to think of the positives. The only ones on my side of the family that we might not get to see would be my brother and his family. My brother and his wife are expecting their second child around the second week of June. Unless the baby comes early and they get permission to travel for GA to MI. I have not seen them in almost 2 years this coming February. My nephew was only 4 months old. Which I find kinda ironic since Payton will be around 4 months old when introduce him to everyone. I know I think of the strangest things sometimes. I have way to much time on my hands right now. I'm sure once Payton is born, I won't be focusing that much on my trip haha.


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