Ending week 5 of being a mom

This past week has been an emotional week for me. And it was all centered on one thing... breastfeeding. I'm gonna be honest I'm sorta getting tired of breastfeeding. I've been losing sleep (which I knew was gonna happen with a baby) but it would be nice if I could just wake James up and tell him to make a bottle and feed Payton so I can sleep. I hate that I'm the one that always has to get up in the middle of the night to feed Payton. Don't worry I'm just venting... Anyways I'm sore. Every joint in my body hurts. My back hurts. Our mattress is on the floor so it's hard to get out of bed sometimes. I'm pretty sure my back is out of place and that is probably some of the problem. I feel like I'm constantly getting out of bed after I feed Payton so I can give him his pacifier that he spits out. I'm pretty sure I only get an hour and half or less of sleep in between feeding at night. This has been my problem the whole week. I've been tempted to just pump milk and freeze it and then just pull out what I need in the middle of night just before I go to bed. I know that breast milk is the best for Payton and I am going to continue breastfeeding as long as I can or until he turns one and then I will slowly start weaning him off.

Okay, so my venting is over. I love my son and I love the bonding time we get during his feedings. I sometimes wish that I could just go to sleep as easily as he does when he is eating. Other then my breastfeeding moments, this week has been really good. Payton is starting to stay awake longer in between feedings, which I have to start getting use to ( goodbye books). I've been singing and talking to him. The other day I was singing Jesus Loves Me and Jesus Loves the Little Children to him and he was just grinning and bouncing around in my arms while I sang. I ordered the Dr. Seuss ABC book off of Amazon the other day and I can't wait to get it in the mail so I can start reading to him. James is already reading to him out of a Bible for babies. I love watching James reading God's word to our son.

James reading the Bible to Payton

I'm gonna hide from you


  1. So sorry you have had an emotional week. Breastfeeding is stressful, until you get in the swing of things. Maybe when Payton wakes up for feedings at night James can change him & then you can feed him, just a thought. Also first years has a bottle out that has 2 nipples & baby has to work to get breastmilk/formula out of it just as if baby were breastfeeding. So if you wanted to pump then that would be a solution so James could feed Payton. However, you would still have to get up in the night to pump to keep your supply up. There is a breastfeeding position where you lay back partially and baby lays on your chest, feet towards your feet, and breastfeeds that way. It may help you feel more relaxed on those really sleepy nights. I can scan the paper & email it to you if you would like. I hope that things slow down & you're able to get more rest soon, the older he gets the longer he will be able to go between feedings! Do you have a lactation consultant to help you out or suggest ideas for you? If not I know a girl who you could add on Facebook who could give you the support you need. I hope your book comes in soon so you can start reading it to Payton!! He is such a little cutie :) In a few weeks i'll be in the same position you are and we can give each other moral support, lol. I hope you guys have a wonderful Easter weekend!


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