The first month...
The last month has been a big adjustment in our life. For me I have had to get use to little sleep and still being able to function while James is at work. He works four days a week and they are ten hour days, unless he has to stay over which is at least twice a week. I've been doing fine until this week. Last weekend (Wednesday- Saturday) we went up to Aniak to visit family and introduce Payton to his aunt, uncle, and cousins. It was a great weekend. The only downside was that we had to always hold Payton (which isn't really bad) since we didn't bring anything to put him in. We would lay him on the couch for a few minutes, but we had to be careful and make sure the pets wouldn't get to him. So I held Payton the whole time waiting in the airport in Bethel, on the plane, and then on the plane from Aniak to Bethel. Never realize how heavy a eight pound baby gets after awhile. My arms and upper back were killing me. When we got back on Saturday my back actually started having spasms. Not fun at all. It was hurting to breathe. I couldn't catch my breath and I had to do the breathing like I did when I was in labor. So my back has been sore all week long. We also didn't make it to church since I didn't want to take the chance of having a spasm there. I've been taking it pretty easy, but it's been hard not being able to do much because of my back. I'm so thankful for my boppy. It has definately helped when I need to feed Payton.

Payton had his two week check-up the day before we left for Aniak. He was eight pounds and twenty-one inches the day of his check-up. Everything was looking good other then he still had his umbilical cord. We were to come back in and they would put something on it to help dry it up. Lucky for us it fell off Sunday in the middle of the night. So just after he was three weeks old.
This weekend is a little celebration weekend for James and I. Payton is going to be one month old on Saturday. On Sunday we celebrate being in Bethel for a whole year. Which is crazy the year has flown by fast for me. Here are a few pictures of Payton. We are not posting many on Facebook and the ones that we do post, we are asking that you do not share them.
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