Little Bit of Life

So the breastfeeding and the getting sleep has gotten better since the last time I wrote. This past weekend Payton only ate once in the middle of the night. He did wake up a couple of times between feedings, but I gave him his pacifier and he went right back to sleep. He has been getting a little fussy, but I think he might be starting the teething stage. He is drooling like crazy and gnawing on his hands when ever he can. 

The Saturday before Easter a friend threw a baby shower for Payton which was really nice. He got a new Bible which is called The Big Picture Story Bible, so James has been reading that  to him most days. We also got a baby signing time video which is exciting. He also got a quilt that one of the ladies at church made. There were also clothes that were given. 

James and I bought Payton two books off of Amazon with a gift card that was given to us at the shower. We bought him  "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly" (we totally forgot that she dies in the end)  and "Ten Little Monkey's Jumping on The Bed". We also got Dr. Suess's ABC book in the mail and I have been reading that to Payton. Talk about a tongue twister book. 

Well here are a few photos.

An outfit Payton's cousin picked out

The Quilt mentioned above


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