Almost Time....
Well it's almost time for us to head out of Alaska to go visit family in the lower 48. I am beyond excited, but I can't really enjoy my excitement until I am on the plane from Anchorage bound for Chicago. I now understand what James means when he tells me that he won't be happy or excited until we get there. I have last minute packing to do, but I can do it until tomorrow just before I head up to the airport. I can't really enjoy my excitement since we are are flying stand-by. I've known this all along, but I was to excited to care. I mean it's been 2 years since I have seen my family. I've been praying that everything will go smoothly for us, but there is the small little doubt that we won't make because I am just too excited. I've been trying to think positive this week. My family has been telling me that everything will be fine. I know that Satan is attacking me with this small doubt about not making it. I've been praying and asking God that...