
Showing posts from May, 2013

Almost Time....

Well it's almost time for us to head out of Alaska to go visit family in the lower 48. I am beyond excited, but I can't really enjoy my excitement until I am on the plane from Anchorage bound for Chicago. I now understand what James means when he tells me that he won't be happy or excited until we get there. I have last minute packing to do, but I can do it until tomorrow just before I head up to the airport. I can't really enjoy my excitement since we are are flying stand-by. I've known this all along, but I was to excited to care. I mean it's been 2 years since I have seen my family. I've been praying that everything will go smoothly for us, but there is the small little doubt that we won't make because I am just too excited. I've been trying to think positive this week. My family has been telling me that everything will be fine. I know that Satan is attacking me with this small doubt about not making it. I've been praying and asking God that...

An unexpected visit

On Sunday Payton and I got to go visit James at work after church. I had to take our friend Meagan to the hanger after church so she could get her house keys and car from her husband Barney who happens to work with James. So I decided to just hang out there until James was ready to go on his lunch break... Well we got there and they were extremely slow. So I took some pictures. James also took a few pictures. James working hard  Smile!!! Look what I can do! Like father like son

Stress = not fun

I've been getting stressed out lately. A lot of it has to do with our trip back to visit our families. With me being stressed my milk supply is not as big as it use to be. I would be able to pump after I fed Payton and have enough to store in the freezer. Now I'm lucky if I can get an ounce. I feel like part of the problem is that I didn't pump for 5 days when we were in Anchorage last month so now my body had to readjust to it. I know Payton is getting enough to eat since he is growing. I also know I shouldn't stress about not having enough to pump afterwards. It's also when I pump instead of feeding him. Payton gets 2 bottles a day so James can have some bonding time with him. Plus he normally eats somewhere around the time James' gets home from work. So James' feds him and then I can make dinner. Tuesday and Wednesday I drank roughly 4 gallons of water both days. I also made some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies since I read that oatmeal sometimes help. G...

Lists, Lists, Lists...

Ever since James and I moved to Bethel I have been making list after list. I make an Anchorage shopping list, a Bethel shopping list, cleaning list and whatever else I need a list for. Currently I am making a list for what we can spend when we visit our families for my sister's graduation and then my father-in-law's wedding. I can't help make a list. I am so forgetful especially after having Payton. I have to make a packing list. I'm making a grocery list for when I am Michigan since I am planning on making a few meals while I'm there. It's is extremely crazy.... Okay enough about lists. I'm sure you would rather hear about Payton. Payton will be 3 months on Thursday (May 16). He is getting big. He just went through a growth spurt last week. One day he was eating a lot and sleeping. He would fall asleep eating to where I couldn't even wake him up. Then he was laying on the floor talking and I looked at him and was like he has gotten big. He is a litt...