Stress = not fun

I've been getting stressed out lately. A lot of it has to do with our trip back to visit our families. With me being stressed my milk supply is not as big as it use to be. I would be able to pump after I fed Payton and have enough to store in the freezer. Now I'm lucky if I can get an ounce. I feel like part of the problem is that I didn't pump for 5 days when we were in Anchorage last month so now my body had to readjust to it. I know Payton is getting enough to eat since he is growing. I also know I shouldn't stress about not having enough to pump afterwards. It's also when I pump instead of feeding him. Payton gets 2 bottles a day so James can have some bonding time with him. Plus he normally eats somewhere around the time James' gets home from work. So James' feds him and then I can make dinner. Tuesday and Wednesday I drank roughly 4 gallons of water both days. I also made some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies since I read that oatmeal sometimes help.

Getting ready to head down to see our family is very exciting. It's also very stressful. I know a lot of people want to see us, but I can't guarantee that we will be able to see everyone. James will be with me in Michigan the first week I am there. The rest of the time it's going to be just me and Payton since James has to come back to Alaska to work so he will be able to go to his dad's wedding and then we will be in Illinois the week after the wedding. I am however going to be able to go to Parker Road Bible Church on June 9th and June 23 (James won't be with me on the 9th but I will still come so people can see Payton. (Mel T. I think your the only one besides the family that I am friends with on facebook from there. So your the first to know haha) For all the Michigan people I'll be at FBC Lowell on June 2nd and June 16th. I'm going to try and go to Impact with James on June 1st.

Now another thing that is stressing me out is that we have larder beetles. The are gross and annoying.Tomorrow (Friday) James and I get to clean our whole house to work on getting rid of them. I haven't seen much since I vacuumed on Monday or Tuesday. I have seen 1 or 2 in the bathroom and that is it. I have been killing then as I see them. I don't know how we got them, but we do. I noticed them a little bit last year around this time, but I didn't really know what they were. I finely looked up pictures of beetles until I found one that look like the one we have. By the way don't ever look up pictures of bugs just before dinner, it kinda grosses you out. Unless you like to look at bugs, then your just weird haha. No offence. I know that they live off of food crumbs. So it doesn't help that my vacuum wasn't working for awhile. James and I finally got it fixed. It was clogged and the filter needed to be washed haha.

So this is some of the stuff that has been stressing me out. Last night I finally talked to James about it since it was getting really bad. He told me to pray that way I would be able to sleep. I did pray and I felt my body start relaxing afterwards which was wonderful because that meant that God answered my prayer and I was able to get a little bit of sleep before Payton woke up for his 3 o'clock eating. So if you all could just pray that we can get rid of the bugs and that I can stop stressing on everything that would be great. I'll keep praying too.

Sorry I don't have any pictures of Payton this time.


  1. A supplement called fenugreek is available at like a gnc type place. It increases breast milk ten fold but makes u smell like maple. I had to use it when I went back to work with zachary. I highly recommend it


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