Almost Time....

Well it's almost time for us to head out of Alaska to go visit family in the lower 48. I am beyond excited, but I can't really enjoy my excitement until I am on the plane from Anchorage bound for Chicago. I now understand what James means when he tells me that he won't be happy or excited until we get there. I have last minute packing to do, but I can do it until tomorrow just before I head up to the airport.

I can't really enjoy my excitement since we are are flying stand-by. I've known this all along, but I was to excited to care. I mean it's been 2 years since I have seen my family. I've been praying that everything will go smoothly for us, but there is the small little doubt that we won't make because I am just too excited. I've been trying to think positive this week. My family has been telling me that everything will be fine. I know that Satan is attacking me with this small doubt about not making it. I've been praying and asking God that we make it, but if we don't that he will give me the peace about not making it. This is really a big trusting issue. I know that God is in control. He knows my tomorrows and that I shouldn't worry about us leaving. Everything will work out in His timing.

I am asking you who read this to pray that we can make all of our flights and that we can land in Chicago Thursday morning and that Payton does well with this longer flight. I'm also asking that you pray for me to have peace if we don't make it. I am trying not to get my hopes set too high so that if we don't make it, I'll won't be completely bummed.

Well hopefully and prayerfully I'll be seeing my family Thursday.


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