Lists, Lists, Lists...

Ever since James and I moved to Bethel I have been making list after list. I make an Anchorage shopping list, a Bethel shopping list, cleaning list and whatever else I need a list for. Currently I am making a list for what we can spend when we visit our families for my sister's graduation and then my father-in-law's wedding. I can't help make a list. I am so forgetful especially after having Payton. I have to make a packing list. I'm making a grocery list for when I am Michigan since I am planning on making a few meals while I'm there. It's is extremely crazy....

Okay enough about lists. I'm sure you would rather hear about Payton.

Payton will be 3 months on Thursday (May 16). He is getting big. He just went through a growth spurt last week. One day he was eating a lot and sleeping. He would fall asleep eating to where I couldn't even wake him up. Then he was laying on the floor talking and I looked at him and was like he has gotten big. He is a little bit longer now. I'm pretty sure we are almost in the teething stage. He has been drooling like crazy. His gums are starting to look a little swollen (which I read that it could happen during teething) For a few weeks he was really fussy. Most of it was from gas, but some of it was him just being a fussy butt. haha...

James and I will be celebrating 3 years of marriage on May 22. Very exciting. It's hard to believe it's been that long. In August we will have been a couple for 5 years. Time is just a flying. We decided that we are going to celebrate by going out to eat when we get to Michigan. More choices to choose from then here in Bethel.

Well here are a few pictures of my sweet baby boy.

Don't mind my face. I am just posting since he stuck his tongue out

Really mom?

Enjoying the walk to the Post Office


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