
So a lot has happened since we have been back from our trip visiting family back in June. I started going to a Bible study on Sunday nights which means I have met new people. James and I both had birthdays and Payton started on solids. Payton and I also made six months in breastfeeding. Payton also got dedicated at church which I wrote in my last post. The last of our happenings is that we moved.... Okay so we are still in Bethel  we just moved to the next road over. Seriously the number is the same just a different road name and its not an apartment.

James and I are renting a couple rooms from some people from church. We have 2 rooms for us and we get our own bathroom. We share a kitchen and the downstairs living room. As well as the washer and dryer. It's about $200 cheaper and a lot bigger for Payton when he starts getting mobile.
 Honestly it was an all of a sudden type move. A God thing. James mentioned at the Bible study he goes to that we are in the process of saving money so we can move into a bigger place since we were starting to out grow our place.  The next week one of the guys calls and tells us that he has two rooms he can rent to us and that it would be cheaper then what we are paying at that moment. We met with the couple and that next weekend we started moving in. Through out last week we would  pack and clean our other place. James told our land load that we would be out by Aug. 30th and we were. It look so empty it was crazy. We got our security deposit back and we were able to by Payton some baby food. We are going to put the rest to our Anchorage trip in December.

It's been nice being able to have more room to move. haha. I've been enjoying it. I'm not gonna lie I was kinda back and forth on this move, but after being here for over a week and a half it's been nice and I feel that this was the right move for our family.


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