Our life so far.

For those who don't know, James and I are expecting are second child in November.

Now we are in the process of looking for a new place to rent since we are going to outgrow where we live. I am hoping we can find a place by the end of summer. I am ready to move.  

To give a little update on what we have been up to since I last posted. 
We went to Aniak to butcher the moose that James got at the end of February. 
Found out that I was pregnant the weekend we got back from Aniak.
March was a pretty quiet month for us. 
April kicked off with us going to Anchorage for a week with my mother-in-law for a vacation. 
Had my first prenatal appointment. 
House/dog sat for some friends.
Now that brings us to May which we went back to Aniak just before mothers day for our cousins High School graduation.
James left the Monday and Payton and I left the Tuesday after Mothers day.  
James and I celebrated four years of marriage
Now we are  in June

Here are some pictures from the last few months. They are in no particular order. 

At the Anchorage zoo in April 

At the Zoo

All the above photos were taken in Aniak during our time up there Mother's day Weekend.Can you tell we were having a hard time taking a good family picture. 
At the SeaLife Center in Seward, AK


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