It's been awhile

It's been a couple months since I last posted. Sorry about that. Well here is a little update. I will try not to forget anything, but can't guarantee that with my pregnancy brain and lack of sleep. :)

 June was just a normal month until the last Sunday of the month. James got a phone call while he was working. Who knew that phone call was an answer to our prayers. Someone called and asked James if we were looking for a place to live. He felt that he should call James. Total God thing! James told him  we were. So this person told James that he had a 3 bedroom apartment coming available the first of August. Works for us. Anyways we met up with this person to look at the place a couple days later. It won my vote as soon I saw we had a washer and dryer :).  It was in our price range if we had to pay any utilities. We have to pay water and electric, not a big deal. Our fuel for heat is included. Oh another plus is that our landlords are believers and run one of the local radio station. We told him we would take it. There is only one down side that is a problem, but can be handle is that we are upstairs so we need get a gate so we can keep Payton from falling. Right now we have a box and totes and it's working at the moment.

So the next day we had a sonogram appointment to find out what we are having. (We are in July now.) We found out that we are having a girl. We decided that this time around we will not share the name. A couple of days later was the 4th of July. We went upriver to a beach with friends and had a picnic and just enjoyed the afternoon there away from Bethel, which was really nice. We aren't able to go up to Aniak this summer so it was nice to get out and recharge. The rest of July was just packing and getting ready to move. I celebrated my birthday at our old place. Two days later the first of August we moved all but a few big things into our new home.

Now we are in August. So we moved in and stayed our first night in our new house the same day. The next morning was James' birthday. We got up and went back to clean and get the big things out of the old place. Later that night we had some friends over as a small birthday/ house warming gathering. This is what James wanted. I don't recomend moving while your pregnant and have a toddler. haha. I couldn't do a lot of the lifting and Payton was just all over. He is so happy with our new place. He has his toys all over. I gave up on picking up his toys during nap time since he just dumps them as soon as he gets up.

About a week later while I was on facebook I found out that the lady I use to babysit for while I was in high school passed away unexpectedly. She left 4 kids and a husband. It really shook me up. I haven't seen her in about 4 years or maybe 5, but she and I have stayed in touch over facebook. She bought a lot stuff off our registry when I was pregnant with Payton. She was happy to hear that I was having a girl this time around. If you think about it can you just pray for her family.

Now some happy news. My mom bought her tickets and is coming up to Alaska the beginning of November to do some loving on her grand babies. Pray that she has no problems with her flights up here and back. She is nervous since that last time she had flown was around 9/11.

So I think that catches everything up. I don't have any pictures this time. My sd card stop working, so I am buying a new one on payday. So I'll take some pictures of the new place then and post them. Oh I am in the 3rd trimester. Almost there, about 11.5 weeks to go.


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