Needing a little prayer

These last two weeks have been hard on me. I have been feeling stressed, overwhelmed. and all together just about every other emotion out there. One thing happens and then the everything just down falls from there. I know in my last post I talked about faith and how I was dealing with getting all these bills. Well this should be the last week of my "stress" on that part. Everything I know will work out and I sit here trying not to let it bother me.

We go into Anchorage this coming Friday. I am so ready to go and get a little break. Even though it's only going to be twos days. I just need it. I need a break from my everyday schedule. Payton is starting to figure out that there is a change coming. He has been naughty a lot more. (In my opinion) I'm also very hormonal so that might have a play in it. I feel like I lose my temper more with him in last couple weeks than I have in a really long time. It hurts me when I lose my temper. I feel like a horrible mom. I often have to remind myself that he is only one and a half. He is learning and I am the one who is suppose to guide him and teach him. Lately I feel like I can't take him out on my own for fear of having to deal with an attitude from him. I hate that feeling. I still go out with him if James isn't home, but I just have fear every now and than that he is going to act up. And the surprising part is he doesn't act up unless he is tired. So if I can avoid going anywhere when he is tired than I will.

I'm praying that this week will be less stressful. After every little thing bugging me these last two weeks I am hoping that I can enjoy this week before I leave for my trip to Anchorage.

On a little different note. I only have 6 weeks left until my due date. I would love for her to come a little early. I want my mom to be able to enjoy her whole stay here with two grand babies and not just one for part of the time and than two the last half. Assuming that this little girl  comes close to her due date and not two weeks late. I would hate for that to happen and that my mom would miss out on spending time with her. 

So, I have had some family members asking me about the name and if they can have clues. I told them no. They keep hoping that I will slip up and say the name that we have picked out for this little baby. James and I don't mention her name that much when we are together. Mostly I just our daughter or this little girl. I don't try to say her name since i know that if I do I will most likely slip up. My goal is to keep it a secret until after she arrives. :)


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