Sleep, What is that?

So let me start out that I love my kids. But I am ready to go crazy. Emma for some reason has decided to start waking up in the middle of the night multiple times. This has been going on since the end of February and the beginning of March. At first I thought she was going through a growth spurt. It is the end of May and she is still getting up multiple times. I have a feeling it's because she doesn't get enough to eat. She is still eating every two hours and she is almost 7 months old. I have tried giving her baby food since she was 4 months old. She won't eat it. After awhile I kinda just quit because baby food is so expensive here and she was acting like it was hurting her stomach. Well I  decided to start trying again and she still won't eat. I have no idea what else to do. I have to something figured out by July since I have grand jury every Thursday for that month and I need to be able to give her some other things to eat besides breast milk.

Payton has back tracked again on sleeping through the night. It happens after we travel and we went to go visit it our family up in Aniak over mother's day weekend. I am still working on getting him to stay in his room. We are also trying to cut his pacifier usage to only nap and bed time. It's a pain in the butt. He is always wanting it, but we are dealing with it.

So pretty much I get little sleep because Payton gets up between six and seven in the morning. And Emma is getting up every two to three hours. Pray that we can just get back on track with the sleep thing. I would be okay with feeding her once in the middle of the night, but its more like three sometimes four.

This is just me venting. I just needed to get my frustration out about my lack of sleep.


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