Less Than 24 hours

It's been so long since I blogged. I have started some multiple times, but never finished. Today I want to finish one.

Monday February 19, 2018 will probably be one of the toughest days I have had in a long time emotionally. My mom calls me around 6:50 in the morning, I decide to ignore the call because I wanted to get a little more sleep before the kids I was watching came over. I figure I would just call her back later. Less then 10 minutes later my sister calls. This is when I new something was wrong. (Side note, they both have personalize ringtones and my phone was in the living room while I was in my bedroom.) Anyways I get up to go answer, but James had beaten me to my phone. He gets off and tells me that my Grandpa Green had just passed away.  I was not prepared for that. It has been a year in a half since I last saw him. So I broke down and just started crying. My poor kids had know idea what was wrong with their mommy. I had only a little bit of time to really cry until the kids I was watching got there. They would be at my house by 7:45. I was still struggling throughout the day, but I held in the tears until they left that night.

At 9:30 that morning Emma got sick, she puked all over me and the floor. I am so thankful James had that day off from work. He helped me deal with Emma by giving her a bath while I cleaned me and my kitchen floor up. He then spent the whole day in the room with her. She also got sick in the early afternoon and then ended up with a small fever by 7 at night.

James had gone to the store with Payton that evening (5ish) and got a call from his mom letting him know that his grandpa wasn't going to make it much longer.

At 7:20 James heads out to Judo and I start getting the kids ready for bed. By 8:00 both kids are out. I finally have time to grieve. From 7:30-8 I read my Bible and was praying for my family.  A little after 8:00 I got on Facebook and saw that my parents and a few of my sisters were tagged in a youtube video post for a song called Weep With Me by Rend Collective. I had just started listening to the song and was in the prossess of crying when I got a call from my mother -in- law. It was around 8:15pm and she informed me that they took James' grandpa off of life support. He passed away in the early morning central time.

James gets home at 10:15pm and now it is my turn to give him bad news...

So in a 13 hour time frame I learned that we both lost and about to lose our last living grandpas. In less then 24 hours we did lose our grandpas. It was a hard day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfXwzMi1FxA


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