
                                                                                                                            January 3, 2022


When Kim called to tell me that you were not breathing and that the paramedics were working on you in the kitchen was one of the hardest phone calls I received. Listening to my sister fight back her tears just to make sure I knew what was going on. Later on I ended up being on FaceTime with everyone while the paramedics continue doing their job of working on you. When the lady came and said that they had try for an hour to bring you back and there was nothing else they could do and that you were gone was one of the hardest moments to witness. To listen to mom cry out to God why?, but in the next breath praise God and say that He is in control still was hard. Not being able to be with my siblings the day that you died is hard. Wishing Alaska wasn't so far from Michigan is hard. 

James, the kids, and I are going back to Michigan for your funeral and it will be so strange not to see you sitting at the computer or even at the table humming while you ate. I've been crying on and off all day. The last time I heard your voice was Christmas Eve when you video chatted so you and mom could watch us open presents. To know I haven't seen you physically was over two years ago. 

Life is hard. 

I'm so glad that you are in no more pain and that you are rejoicing  with Jesus. I'm sad I won't get to see you again on earth, but will see you again in heaven. 




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