Next Adventure: Trapper Creek

One month... Today we have been in Trapper Creek for a month. It has definitely been an adventure to getting here. Here's the story on how we arrived here. 

First I am going to start with back in December 2021 we came to visit our friends that had just moved out here to Trapper Creek. For the week or so while we were gone James and I were starting to feel a little discontent in Bethel, but we weren't sure what we should do or even where we would move if we could. Once we got back to Bethel within two weeks of being back we found out another set of really good friends were leaving to go to Wasilla. It was hard have two sets of good friends leave within six months of each other. It was just hard because we had been praying about if we are suppose to move and God was telling us not yet. 

 From December to April we all had that nasty c- bug, my dad passed away and we had to travel to Michigan for his funeral. While in Michigan at least 20 out of 22 family members all were sick either before during or after the time of the funeral. We had decided to extend our trip from us leaving on a Tuesday we decided to leave on Friday instead. I had to get back to work. By the time we left Michigan to head back to Alaska I had miss the first week back to school. I hadn't been to work for a month since I was out sick the last few days before winter break.  I went back to work and just got back into doing school with the kids as we still continued to pray about if we are suppose to leave Bethel. 

Now let's jump to April. We had a walk through with our landlord late March/early April to see what work needed to be done. We had been in that apartment for seven and a half years. After our walk through we new that there was going to be a lot of work that needed to be done on that place. We knew that we were going to have to be gone for a good chunk of time for them to update some things. After much prayer we decided that it was time to just leave Bethel.  Once we made the decision to leave things kinda just started coming in to place for the first couple of weeks.

But then we (I) felt that God went silent on us. I didn't tell many people at work about my leaving. I only told the few that needed or that I wanted to know. I was having a hard to telling people and having them look at me with a weird face when I would say that I don't know where were are going or what we are going to do for income, but we knew we were suppose to leave Bethel.

I will say we did have  peace  knowing we were suppose to stay here in Alaska.  So in May we barged out truck out of Bethel and sent it to Anchorage. It was going to get to Anchorage by mid to late June. So we wanted to be out of Bethel by mid June at the latest. 

When school ended in May, we were now in this what were are going to do mindset. I had one more paycheck coming and we still had know idea what we were going to do. Memorial Day weekend was a really long and tough weekend. We were feeling discouraged. But then June 1st God showed up. He had a place for us to live until the end of June. So we decided to book our tickets. We had some flight credit from when we traveled down to MI that we were able to use. Once we got to Trapper Creek we had a chance to rest.


We really needed that rest. By the end of June we found out we could stay in our current place until the end of July.  Now that housing was taken care of we needed a job. We continue to pray about a job. Other people were also praying for us as well. 

July 1st God showed up again. James got a text from someone that they needed an airplane mechanic in Talkeentna. We knew that this was from God. James did not go looking for a job in maintenance he really wasn't looking at getting back in to that full time. James took the weekend and prayed and he had peace about taking this job. 

James started his job July 11.  He is working four 10 hour day and has three days off. It's an adjustment for us since he is gone for abouut 12.5 hours every day since he has to commute about 40 minutes each way to work.

Now we are able to stay in the house for the foreseeable future. Now we are praying about getting a second car and about what to do about church.

But for now I will just say that today is one month since we left Bethel and it is raining and its beautiful. Can't wait to see what God is going to do next.  


  1. Very neat! Been to Talkeentna, neat little town. Praying the rest will work out. Judy R

  2. Thanks for the update I have been wondering how you are doing. I love you ! What is your new address?🎈❤️💗🎈


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