My love for my Husband

The 2000 piece puzzle
My husband absolutely loves puzzle. Me I absolutely hate them, unless they are the easy children types of puzzles. James finds them so relaxing. He could just sit and do puzzle all day if he was allowed. I on the other hand find them extremely stressful. I have to quit after five minutes because it just bugs me. A couple of weekends ago James' started a 2000 piece puzzle in the middle of the kitchen table. Not a big deal when there is very little going on, but when you have 8 people to feed it gets a little hard to eat at the table. It was only the table from Friday to Wednesday. I would occasion help him try and get it done, but like i said i would have to stop after a few. Well on Wednesday he needed to take care of the puzzle, but he wanted to get it done. So while he was at work on Wednesday I made myself sit down and work on his puzzle. I didn't get on the computer at all until he came home and could take over. I probably worked on it for about five hours. Yes I got stressed, but I knew he wanted to get it done before he had to take it apart. When he got home from work that night he only had a little bit left to do. 


  1. Oh goodness, James and I would get along well. I LOVE puzzles. I have a couple he could help with. Both are all edge pieces (every piece in the puzzle has at least one straight edge), one is baseball pennants and the other is zebras. NO ONE wants to help me do either. :(



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