Snow Snow Snow....

I enjoy watching it snow, which is a good thing since I live in Alaska.  I grew up in Michigan, so I have been around the snow my whole life. This year the snow seems different to me. I hated it when it would snow back home because that meant I had to drive in it. This year I don't have a vehicle to drive, I only have a snowmachine (which is what people in Alaska call snowmobile). 
I have had to learn how to drive a snowmachine, which has been very interesting to me. The first time I tried learning I hated it. I mean I was determined that I wanted nothing to do with them at all. Well the only sad thing is if I wanted to go anywhere I would have to learn how to drive one. One day James and I were at the post office with a different snowmachine, I decided I need to learn how to drive it, because I would need to be able to go somewhere if he wasn't around. I drove home from the post office and I will admit that it wasn't that bad. I've just been trying to be confident to drive by myself. I drove this morning in the dark by myself and it was okay, it confirmed myself that I don't like driving in the dark, but I am able to handle it if I ever have to. 

Another reason the snow is different to me this year is because I think my attitude towards it is different. I mean we have had snow since October and we will have it for at least another 4 months. I can't sit here and be like I hate snow. I think the only reason I hated snow was because everyone around me was negative towards it, and it was a different type of snow then what we get here in Alaska.

I thankful for the snow this year, for it makes God's creation so beautiful. Snow on the trees and on the mountains, I mean it's a lovely view. Sometimes when I head to the store or the post  office I start singing How Great Thou Art. It's also a reminder that God washed my sins as white as snow. It's a very lovely reminder.


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