Church and Post Cards....

So it's been awhile... I have been going to church on Sundays which is nice. Slowly meeting new people there. The pastor told me this past Sunday that people will start coming back and everything will pick up so James and I can find some ministry to be involved in.  It's still a little hard going to church without James, but I'm making it. I found out that there was a men's Bible study on Wednesday nights and I found out the time and came home and told James about it. We emailed are pastor to see if it went on during the summer since everything else was done. Found out it does go on during the summer. James went there tonight. Hopefully he can start meeting people also that are not coworkers. It will be great for him to be around other believers. 

So last week James and I went grocery shopping and I decided that I needed to go get some birthday cards for my mom and my nephew whose birthdays are next week. Well I saw some post cards write next to the card, so I started looking at them and saw that there was some with polar bears on them. This made me excited. I grabbed one that had a mamma and baby in some snow and I sent it to my niece who is always asking me if I have seen any polar bears yet. I hope when she gets its she will be excited like I was. I'm looking forward to taking her to the zoo when James and I go back for a visit in June.  A few days later I realize I sent nothing to my youngest nephew Jack. I felt kinda bad that his two older siblings were getting something in the mail and he wasn't. So I went back to the store and found a post card  that had a baby moose, a baby bear, a baby wolf, and one other baby maybe it was a polar bear I don't remember. I just thought it was cute so I decided to buy it. Seriously these cards were about 50 cents couldn't really pass it up.
Hope you all are doing well. I will try and post more often. 


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