I'm Pregnant :)

Well I am finally pregnant. I know a lot of people were praying for me since all I wrote about at the beginning of the year was about how much I wanted to be pregnant and to start a family with James. I found out that I was pregnant at the beginning of June. Right around the time I stop writing my blogs. It was hard to blog without talking about the baby. Now that we told family and made it "facebook official" I can write about it here.

I lost weight at the beginning because I could hardly eat. I was always sick to my stomach. I couldn't eat meat or stand the smell of it cooking. Poor James had to stop eating bacon for breakfast because it would make me sick. With me barely eating, I would become shaky. I had to miss a few Sundays at church because I didn't feel good or because I was to shaky to go.

I went to my first prenatal appointment when I was 15 weeks. Yes I know that is a little late for the first appointment, but we tried going sooner. We went to the family clinic here in town to have them confirm and to give us a possible due date. Well we found out the due date, but we couldn't do anything else there. So James and I were going to have the baby in Anchorage, but we would have to have a care share program thing. Which is were we have our primary person in Anchorage, but go to smaller appointments in Bethel. We decided to just have the baby in Bethel. Now all of our appointments are here and I don't have to go to Anchorage at 36 weeks and wait around to have the baby. I can just stay home and wait.  I'm due February 14th,2013.

I will try to keep you all updated every now and then about my pregnancy.


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