A Thanksgiving and Christmas update

Thanksgiving up in Aniak went well. Payton enjoyed having a lot of attention from his Grandma, aunt, uncle, and cousins. Unfortunately my camera broke so I don't have a ton of pictures, but I do have some that I took on my phone that I will share.

Christmas was really good. On Christmas eve we Skyped with my family to open presents. It was a little crazy. My Family in Michigan had James, Payton and I up on one computer and my brother and his family on a different computer. Lets just say it was crazy (at least for me it was) That's 17 people between 3 computers and in 3 different states, Alaska, Michigan, and Georgia.  Christmas day was great. Just relaxing with my little family during the day and we went to our friends house from church for a Christmas dinner. It was really nice to be with other people during this holiday when we can't be with our family in the lower 48.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. Looking forward to what 2014 has in store for James and I.  Well here are a few pictures of our holiday season.

Was asleep before take off on our way to Aniak

Awake the whole flight back to Bethel

Looking at the view

The present Gramma Sue got him

This is for my mother in law. Christmas Pajamas that she bought us

One of my favorites 

Payton wanting the present that he "got" daddy
Being a little stinker... 


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