Spending money....good or bad?

So I am going to be honest, I am a big spender. I didn't know a lot about saving my money. I have gotten a lot better since James and I got married. James is a saver. We help each other out. I do the "balancing" of our bank account. I remember when James and I first got married I had to tell him that we could afford to have a date once in awhile. Money was tight for us when we first got married. Things have gotten a lot better in the 3 almost 4 years of marriage. We are finally in a comfortable spot. I don't have to try and stretch money to pay our bills on time.
 I also love spending money on other people. I love helping people. It's hard for me when I see someone struggling and I can't help them because I don't have spare money.  James and I are trying to save money so we can move into our own place. Don't get me wrong were we live is nice and is working for us. We just would like our own space. I feel like we have spent a lot of our married life living with other people.

So back to the what I was asking, spending money is it good or bad. I think it's both. Depending on what your spending it on. I'm not going to lie, but James and I have money in our account and we have no bills to pay at the moment and I am just itching to buy something just because we have money. I have no need for anything at the moment. I just WANT to buy. There is that difference between the wanting and the needing of things.  Every time I get on Amazon to look for stuff because I want to buy something I add things to my cart. And everything just sits in my cart until I eventually move it to save for later or to one of my wish lists that I have on there. When ever I think about buying something I have this little voice in my head (James) saying do you really need that? haha Is it bad that my husband of almost 4 years is in my head when I want to buy something even when I don't need too? I don't think so. It has actually helped me a lot. I always talk to him when I want to buy something. And if I have a good reason he normally lets me splurge.  The only time I don't get permission from him is when I am buying presents for him. Haha I just tell him I bought something and let it be. He doesn't get upset. He knows that I know not to go overboard with spending money.

I'm not trying make James sound horrible for not letting me spend money. Honestly he is not. We just balance each other out. I have to tell him it's okay we have money for it.... Especially when we are buying groceries here in Bethel. We tend to go the cheapest way sometimes because its so stinking expensive out here. I can't wait until we can go to Anchorage to get some groceries. I do subscribe and save on Amazon for some of things. I also started buying things on vitacoast as well to help us out.


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