It's 8:05 pm the night before my due date. I can't believe I'm the end of my pregnancy. I know that Payton can be late, but knowing the end is near is kinda nice. I've enjoyed being pregnant, but these last 3 weeks have been really hard for me. I not the biggest fan of surprises. I have to know what or when something is going to happen. James has a hard time surprising me because I'm always trying figure out what he is doing. *He did surprise me today with some chocolate and a Valentines day card* Anyways knowing that Payton could come any time excites me, but also terrifies me. I mean when in the world is he going to show. I wish I could just be give a date saying that he will be born that day. Not a due date since most babies are not born on their actual due date. Poor James, I've kept him up numerous time in the past few weeks freaking out, stressing, etc. over this whole not knowing and knowing that I can't do anything about it really. God knows and I h...
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