Beautiful life

Well James and I got back from Aniak on Sunday and James got sick. He had some kind of head cold all week. Now he has a cough, but his head is finally feeling better. I on the other hand believe that I am coming down with whatever he had. Not excited about that. Anyways here are a few pictures of our trip.

James and I got up on Saturday morning to watch the sunrise. Well some of it. We got up and left the house by 5:45 and the sun had already started coming up. By 6:15 I was cold and falling asleep since I didn't go to bed till midnight the night before. So we went back to the house. Made coffee, James played a video game, and I read my kindle. Everyone else didn't get up for another hour or so. At leas they didn't come out of their rooms. When everyone was up the fun began. We finished getting the house ready for the graduation party. 


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