
This past week, I have been getting utility bills in the mail here in Alaska. The thing is they are from my house in Michigan. My sister and her family moved in with James and I back in November 2010 and decided to take over the rent when we moved here. Well she was going to switch the all the bills in her name, but hadn't gotten around to it. I did a change of address at the post office and didn't really think about if they changed the name in the bills. Anyway James and I were at the post office picking up our mail and he is looking through it and saw our gas bill from consumers energy. So I got online messaged my sister and she said she would take care of it not to worry. On Monday I went to the post office to go see if our checks and/or debit cards had come in yet, I really needed them to come in because I have bills (student loans, life insurance) to pay. I had the money in my bank, but I had no way to pay them with out the checks. Well I got excited because they both came in. As I continued to look through my stack of mail I found the water bill from back home. Well I was just like great another bill. So once again I messaged my sister. She told me that she will take of it and not to worry. She didn't want James and I to worry about bills here in Alaska. Well on Tuesday, Robin (my sister) and I were playing message tag on facebook. Well I got one that said that she was on and she also had skype on so we could see each other and figure out what was going on.
 So that was the whole back story of what I really wanted to talk about. Sorry about that. Now I want to say I got on skype. I got to talk to my big sister. It was really great I needed to see someone from back home. But what really got me excited was seeing my niece and nephews. I was so excited to see them. With Carter, Kenna, and Jack all trying to talk to me at once was awesome. I really was missing them. Going everyday to see them and then all of a sudden not seeing them everyday was hard for me. They were telling me that Grandma (my mom) took them to the fair. They got awesome prizes there and they just had to show me. So here they are trying to show me their really big blow up hammer that squeaks when you whack it. One of them also got a huge fake gun. I don't know if it was blow up one like the hammer or if it was plastic. I can't remember. Anyways, it was just great seeing them. I wish James could have been here to enjoy it also, but he was at work making some money. lol Anyways, Jack kept asking me when James and I were coming home and if we were going to bring our bed back with us. It was going to be hard telling him that I won't be coming home to live, so I just told him I had to talk to Uncle James. (Yes I tend to make James the bad guy.) Well Robin sent them off to watch tv so we could talk and she was telling me that Jack was asking questions about getting married. He is only three. To make it short he was trying to find a way for Uncle James to come back. He is not concern about his Aunt Bec, but more of Uncle James.   I know that Jack loves me and everything, but James has been in his life since he was three months old. So Jack only knows of James in my life he is growing up with James and I as a couple, whereas his two older siblings had just me. Carter and Kenna had to get use to seeing someone in my life. Yes they love their Uncle James,but they had to grow into that love because they have to share their aunt now with someone else. This is probably starting to get boring to read, but I am almost done. I was so excited to talk to them. When James got home he went and sat down trying to relax. Well I ran into the room and jumped in his lap. I was like  "GUESS WHO I TALKED TO TODAY" Yes I had a very excited voice and I was probably really loud too. He was like "CiJi"? I was like no... Then who? I was like Robin and the Kids. He was very happy for me. He knew I needed it. I mean I just had a melt down on him like 2 days earlier about it. Let's just say I was in a better mood the rest of the day. 


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