Yesterday I got to talk to two of my good friends yesterday on facebook. It made me realize that I miss my friends. I've been here in Alaska for almost 2 months and haven't seen my friends since before I came here to Alaska and some not since college. There are days here that I get really bored and some days I make myself busy that the day flies right on by. I can't just call up a friend and ask them to hang out. There are days I wish I could call up my friend and ask them to go with me to the mall, but I can't. I  can skype with them (if my sound decides to work on my computer.) I am glad I came with James to Alaska. I don't regret us coming at all. Some days I wish I could just go home because I miss everyone. I love my husband and I thank God for bringing him into my life. James became one of my best friends. There are very few people that I can talk to about anything. James is one of them. Yes I have a hard time every now and then telling him whats on my mind, but eventually he gets me to tell him. I miss him when he at work. He even comes home for lunch and I miss him again when he leaves. I can't picture my life without him. I need James in my life to help me make decisions that I don't really want to make. Since I met him I knew he was coming to Alaska. It was all on the table when James asked me out on our first date. I could have said no, but I didn't. I knew what his plans were and why he was coming to Alaska. A month before I met James, I told God that I would just wait for the special guy he had for me. Next thing you know James comes into my life. Now the rest is history because we are happily married. 


  1. Becky, my thoughts are with you! It is hard being away from friends a.d family- u need to go out and meet people. There is a reason u r in Alaska, embrace it and the beauty that surrounds you!


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