
Today I made some chocolate chip cookies. As I was getting ready to put my last batch in the oven, I realize that I have made cookies at least 2 or 3 other times since being here in Alaska. Okay there is more to my realization then just that. What I really realized was that I didn't have 3 different pairs of hands helping me. 
Before I moved here to Alaska, my niece and nephews you lived with my husband and I. Oh and their parents lived with us too. Anyways back on what I talking about. It use to take me forever just to make the cookie dough because I had 3 different  hands helping me. Well today I was amazed that it didn't take me as long to make the cookie dough. I also realize I miss those 3 little munchkins a lot. I miss them helping me bake in the kitchen, or bugging me when I say "I think I want to make cookies or I want to make brownies" Sometimes I didn't really want to bake them, I just wanted them to appear in front of me because they sounded good. All they wanted to do was help. It use to bug me when they all had to help me, but then I realize I'm making memories with them. Not just for me, but for them. Especially for them. I won't around as often and when I started dating James and everyone knew that I was going to marry him, that it would only be a matter of time before I was moving out of state. Yes, it was a lot sooner then I even thought. I figured we would wait at least 2 years after we got married to move. Well we moved just after 13 months of marriage. The memories that my niece and my two nephews will have of me the most is baking cookies, brownies, cake, or whatever else we made. It was "our" time. I miss them arguing on who was going to put what in and if they could put that in. I can't wait until James and I have kids because I can pass on my love for baking with them. I love having those little hands helping me and just spending time with them. 


  1. aww! Last June, I was able to make a new memories with the kids on making pizza. It was crazy!! I don't know how you guys did it with 3 messy helpers. Overall, it was a lot of fun!


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