Childhood Memory

When I was around 14ish my older sister got married, so I ended up with my own room. None of my 3 younger sisters wanted to share a room, also I really didn't want to share haha. Anyways, we use to have this piano that sat in our living room. Whenever we would have a lot of people come over my mom would put this piano in my room. Okay this isn't a piano that is easy to move, it was big and tall upright piano. After a while my mom just left in my room and it started to collect junk. What I remember about this piano is that when I was really bored I would sing using a brush or my tooth brush and I would stand on the bench playing music really loud and singing louder then the music. The songs I usually sang the most were by Point of Grace. (I use to love them when I was younger.) 
Lately I have been having flashbacks of my childhood. James' aunt is always playing music so when I hear a certain song in my head I'm like oh that's a song my mom would play and it would mean she is on a serious cleaning mood so you better watch out. I was looking for Christmas songs the other day on Itunes and found Point of Grace and the memory of me singing in my room come back clear. I have so many memories that I feel like I blocked for some reason and that they are slowly coming back. A lot of these memories are in my parents old house. The one that I grew up in. It was hard for me when my parents moved. Leaving for college at one house and coming home for break to the new house was really hard for me. I didn't live there long since I was going to college and I met James and then we got married.  


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