A Beautiful sunset |
The Russian Mountains |
I love mountains and I love looking at them. Today as I was heading to the post office to check mail I decided to take a different way. I am so glad I did. The view of the clouds on top of the mountains was amazing. I wish I had my camera with me so I could share it with everyone. It was the coolest looking cloud. I don't even know how to describe it, but it was kinda like a think spiral coming out of the mountain. It was skinning at the bottom and it got bigger as it went higher and touched the other clouds. Almost everyday when I go to the other side of town I am always amazed at the mountains. I thank God for sending me James and having him called out here to Alaska. I so thankful that I get to see them almost everyday. The only days I don't get to see them is when I don't leave the house.
I love the mountains too! I feel like my soul is renewed everytime I see God's awesome creation. Isn't He amazing? So glad you got a chance to enjoy the beautiful mountains and the skies!