What my name means....

A few weeks ago, someone asked me what the meaning of my name is and if I fit what my name means. A few of the meanings of Rebecca that I found were, To tie, to bind, beautiful, desirable, shy but confident with friends, favored by the Lord, a servant of God. There is also captivating and peacemaker. I guess that it just depends on where you look to find the meaning. My name is a Hebrew name. In the Bible Rebekah was married to Isaac.  I decided to also look up the meaning of my middle name, which is Lynn. I have found a couple of different meanings. It means, waterfall, beautiful, from the lake. I don't know what the true meaning of either is, For Rebecca, beautiful comes up a lot when I look. When I also look in the Bible it says that Rebecca was very beautiful, also had a servants heart. From the list that I had found of my name, I say that I fit about more then half   of what my name means. Now when I looked for my middle name I didn't have a clue what I would find. When waterfall came up, I was like hmm this is interesting. My middle name is my moms first name. So her name means waterfall. I looked up my moms middle name (Anne) just to see what it would be and I found that it means Grace, God's grace, favor.. It also showed that it comes from the name Hannah which I found to be somewhat funny. I have a younger sister named Hannah and her name means grace. I guess there is just need for grace in our family, especially God's grace. So on that note I am going to end this or I am going to end up find the meaning of everyone in my family.

So, does it make you wonder what your name means and if you fit it well? 


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