
This morning I woke up missing a special 3 year old boy. My nephew Jack.  I was thinking about when he wanted to help me with laundry once in awhile. He would go downstairs with me without socks on I normally had my slippers on since it was cold. We get downstairs to flip the load of cloths over but Jack would not move because he needed my slippers so his feet didn't get cold. Well I would give him my slippers so he could help me. He always helped but clothes in the washer after I put the soap in. I miss having him help me do a bunch of random cleaning projects around the house. He would always want to help James and I clean our room especially when we started to pack for moving to Alaska. In our room we had an airplane mailbox that was from our wedding which our cards were put in. Jack loved finding anything in that airplane. He found enjoyment in it. When we moved we left it with him since it was to big to pack. I don't know what my sister did with it. I just remember opening it a few weeks before we were getting ready to leave to find it packed with post-it notes and dove wrappers. He took the post-its apart one by one and put them in the mailbox. I remember watching him always putting stuff in there. I even gave him the dove wrappers since I had them in college if I like the little promise they have. I was trying to avoid him put in important papers in like my students loans or a utility bill. I can't wait until I get a chance to go back to Michigan and see Jack and of course his older brother and sister. I miss these kids a lot.  It has gotten better on it not hurting but there are some days when I wish I could just go play with them. Today happens to be one of those days.


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