My Love

I love my husband. I can't stand being away from him overnight. Our whole dating relationship was long distance. He asked me about 2 weeks before I had to leave to go to college. So I didn't see him until I would go home on break. I feel in love with him through talking on the phone and texting each other everyday. When I came home that first break I knew I was in love with him. I hate be separated. Always have. We had five months together with me not be away at school and it felt great. Then we got married. I was hoping we wouldn't have to be separated much. We both went on separate youth group retreat and I went to Tennessee for 5 days about 3 months after we were married. That was the longest we ever had been separated in almost a year. Now we are going to be married for 2 years this coming May and I still hate separation. You think I would be use to it since the beginning of our relationship we were away from each other, but no I can't. I did pretty well today when I got home from dropping him off at the airport. James is going to go start a new job and  has to stay there while he works and he will come home on the weekends. He called me tonight and I started crying. I tried to hide it from him, but you could hear it in my voice. I hate it so much that I can't be with him. This is the first time we have been separated since we have been in Alaska. It's hard. I like trying to stay busy or I will just sit around and cry. I feel like I just want to go "into my shell" and not come out until he gets home. I don't know how military spouses go so long with seeing the other person. I mean I'll get to see my husband for about 2 days a week and it's hard for me. All I want to do is cry, I don't want to sleep even though I know I need too.
I can't wait until we can be united again and be living in the same village together. Sorry about all this. I'm not trying to get sympathy I just wanted to let this out. So thank you if sat and read this post. I'm going to attempt to get some sleep tonight.


  1. LOVE YOU Beck<3 , You can do this cuz I know just how strong you really are :-) remember I am just a phone call away. xxxoooo


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