New Year = New Chapter.

For awhile now I have been wanting to get back into studying God's word. I occasionally will read my Bible when I feel that I need some advice or some sort of comfort. Back in November I got a catalog from Baker Book House, which is a book store in Grand Rapids, MI. Anyways I came across this devotion book by Joyce Meyer called Love Out Loud. It's a 365 days of devotions about loving God, Loving yourself, and Loving Others. I am going to try my hardest to stay focus and be able to stay committed in reading this. As I am also reading this devotion I am also going to be reading my Bible. Right now I am in the book of Lamentations. Why I am reading that book right now, I have no idea. Awhile ago I was doing really good at reading my Bible everyday and I read Galatians- Colossians, which there are also two books in between those two. After I got done ready them, I was trying to figure out what else I should read. Well I randomly decided to read Lamentations and I only got though two chapters in that book. So tonight as I got done reading my devotion out of my "Love Out Loud" book, I went to my Bible and decided to pick up where I left off. It won't do me any good if I keep stopping and start reading different books of the Bible without finishing the one that I was on. So tonight as I read chapter 3 I came across these verses that stuck out to me.
22 The faithful love of the Lord never ends![a]
      His mercies never cease.
 23 Great is his faithfulness;
      his mercies begin afresh each morning.
 24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance;
      therefore, I will hope in him!”
 25 The Lord is good to those who depend on him,
      to those who search for him.
 26 So it is good to wait quietly
      for salvation from the Lord.
 27 And it is good for people to submit at an early age
      to the yoke of his discipline:
 28 Let them sit alone in silence
      beneath the Lord’s demands.
 29 Let them lie face down in the dust,
      for there may be hope at last.
 30 Let them turn the other cheek to those who strike them
      and accept the insults of their enemies.
 31 For no one is abandoned
      by the Lord forever.
 32 Though he brings grief, he also shows compassion
      because of the greatness of his unfailing love.
 33 For he does not enjoy hurting people
      or causing them sorrow

The last 3 verses really gave me some comfort. I am not abandoned by the Lord even though sometimes I might feel like he is not there. I feel like I have had a ton of grief in my life lately, but honestly I probably haven't had as much as some one has had in the last 6 months. Yes I moved away from my family and I have been struggling every now and then about being so far from them. I also have been struggling about getting pregnant. I mention awhile ago in a different post about wanting to get pregnant. When I say I'm struggling doesn't mean that we are having difficulties, it's more of me wanting to get pregnant and we just haven't yet. I have to learn to wait on the Lords time for that. I read that he brings the grief, but he also shows compassion. That helps me with the thought of getting pregnant. As much as I want a baby, I know that God has the perfect time for us to get pregnant and start our family. The last verse mentions that he doesn't enjoy hurting people or causing them sorrow. I know that every month when I start and I get depress and I close up for a day, is not cause by God. I do it to myself. I get myself all worked up and then I get disappointed. Sure I sometimes want to blame God and sometimes I do without realizing it. I want to blame others instead of myself for not getting pregnant. It's my own fault that I get myself worked up about it every month. I stress myself out half the time and don't even realize it. I have been though a lot of changes in the last 6 months that I don't even realize I'm stress sometimes.  When I realize I'm stress I in the middle of having an emotional break down on my husband. 

Sorry I didn't mean to just ramble on about all that, but I just wanted to share what those 11 verses meant to me. I also am excited to see how I do about studying God's word and learning about His love and care and about Him. 


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